Use bicycle reduce pollution
Air pollution has variety of sources.One of the source is fuel car or motor bike.By the burning of fuel emits lots of carbon monoxide which is continuing breaking the ozone layer.There are several reason for which biking is environment friendly than driving car.Many country are using this logic as per the guidance of environment pollution authority. The main reason why biking reduces air pollution is that it does not use any fuel. The average car produces about 1.3 billion cubic yards of polluted air over the course of its lifespan. Also for making a car cost 10-20 times more than bike also you are saving.manufacturing a car also a complicated process. Also you don't need to use any single penny for riding a bicycle. When you choose a bike over a car, you are less likely to go further because it’s hard to ride a bike for long distances. i am not telling to use bicycle for long distance.for short distance we should save ...